
St Leonards Sharing Consortium

Page history last edited by paul.crosland@... 2 years, 1 month ago



The "St Leonards Sharing" consortium is managed by the social enterprise, Freelending Community Interest Company (Company No 6749438); on one of whose websites the "St Leonards Sharing" background information sits:


Leaflet from 2023 linking a Pilgrim's Trail to support of the (St Leonards Sharing Consortium's) "Rehousing St Leonards' Local Treasure Tony May (@2066Country) Book Club): PyrocraftsRefugeTreeWoods.doc



For the record, back in 2011


The NatWest CommunityForce page for the "St Leonards Sharing" project is here.



"St Leonards Sharing" Objectives

The “St Leonards Sharing” Consortium exists to generate optimum partnerships which deliver services in St Leonards on Sea that:


    1. Generate creativity in relation to how St Leonards becomes a more “caring and sharing place”. 

    2. Increase interaction between people who do not ordinarily meet, such that greater understanding and trust is built.

    3. Share resources within the community, not least of which is the encouragement of privately owned resources to be increasingly made available to others in the community by promoting initiatives such as streetbank etc and making resources offered on-line more accessible to those who do not use the internet.

    4. To creatively address the significance of the pier fire -working with the core values of truth, choice, reparation and reintegration of all involved into peaceful co-existence. (St Leonards Sharing Consortium member websites based on the pier fire issues include www.sussexcommunity.blogspot.com & www.peoplesjustice.org.uk

    5. Encourage the recognition, development and offering of skills in the community through the process of timebank brokerage, or similar initiatives.

    6. Promote wellbeing, initially with reference to the “5 ways of wellbeing” as published by the New Economics Foundation and combining these with learning from the St Leonards Community in the development of local wellbeing groups

    7. Share understanding of ways to work constructively with difference and empower people in handling their own differences with others such that 'systemic win' is in mind, opening up possibilities not just for 'win-win' between individuals but also for a stronger community for having worked through and learned from the differences between individuals.

    8. Encourage the development of local community-based caring structures, enabling individuals to have more choice in how their care needs are met.



Present membership of the Consortium


 The St Leonards Sharing Consortium member organisations




Invitation to other organisations/interests in St Leonards to join the Consortium


The “St Leonards Sharing” Consortium's lead organisation is Freelending Community Interest Company and the consortium are keen to engage with other partners in the delivery of community projects that promote the consortium aims, so is not intending to close it's membership. The criteria for entry of a new organisation into the consortium is the consent of the representatives of all other organisations. It is intended to exist always as a partnership subject to changes in membership as possibilities for optimum delivery of services to the community unfold.

If you want to see what we can offer -or join without knowing this yet- please provide an indication of what your project is and what support you are seeking.

We aim to support organisations (& foster a consortium) in being more effective and achieving something useful, whilst building community in the process.


All organisations join the consortium with a commitment to “deep democracy”* ways of working, whereby the dissenting voices to any proposal are valued and worked with creatively. Mediation is used as the next step for resolving any difficulties. The lead organisation, Freelending CIC, provides a facilitator for all meetings or invites another member organisation so to do, holds all funds for the consortium and is the final arbiter of any matters of difference between member organisations.


Please also note Freelending CIC equalities and inclusion policy


St Leonards Sharing Project seeking funding:

Paul Crosland, co-ordinator of "St Leonards Sharing" Consortium is keen to work with the above aims by launching an innovative approach to empowering communities of all ages to get together in a network of 5 streets at a time, sharing household items, sharing skills, cross-fertilising ideas about how to generate hyper-local care systems and experiencing more appreciation of neighbours and power with neighbours.

If you would like to join in with being a partner or supporter of the funding bids (Lottery money etc) then please get in touch via this contact form (hosted by Mediation Support): http://www.mediationsupport.info/pageID_4200956.html



Funding application bids




2019 General Election- Some documents relevant to the “Put A Cross For Crosland” (St Leonards Sharing Consortium Founder) Campaign 



Documents (2011 achieve) relevant to developing socialcare work in East Sussex

(which is just one of the many spin-off benefits of the local wellbeing groups & timebanking being planned):

Micro markets report - 7 Sept 2011 (2).pdf

ESCC Micro Provider Guide - 7 Sept 2011.pdf


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