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project funding template

Page history last edited by Paul Crosland 14 years, 7 months ago

Page Contents


1) What is the name or title of your project / programme of activity? 


2) Project summary

 (this should make it clear how the work you deliver will contribute to your chosen outcomes (see 9 below), in particular the intended benefit to the main beneficiary group(s). (Maximum 150 words)    


3) Where will your project take place? State the main geographic area where the activities are likely to be delivered.  


4) Which mental health conditions will be targeted?  


5) How do you propose to support the accessibility requirements of the various service-users in the project?  


6) Expected length (delivery period) of your project in months (up to 36 months).  


7) Explain how you identified the need for the project?

As part of your answer you should explain the situational context and refer to evidence, such as research or surveys conducted among the local community and / or the target user group(s) that demonstrate a latent or unsatisfied demand for the project. (Maximum 200 words)    


8) a) Are there any existing local services of a similar nature to your organisation’s proposed project? 

Yes     No 

   b) If yes, how will your project complement these local services or satisfy the demand that you have identified above?


9) Budget


Please complete the table giving estimates of basic expenditure on the proposed project (not including accessibility costs)





Column 1



Column 2



Column 3



Column 4



Column 5



Column 6



Expenditure item


Year 1 (£)


Year 2 (£)


Year 3 (£)


Total cost of project (£)


Total requested from this Trust fund (£)


Other income – cash (£) or    in-kind, secured / expected, name of funder 


Project costs – staff







Project costs – other









Overheads attributable to project










Capital costs


























Note: If you are invited to submit a stage 2 application, you will be expected to refine these estimates of cost and explain the assumptions and calculations behind them (including overheads). We will also ask you to submit a business plan for bids that average in excess of £50,000 per year.


10) Intended outcomes

Do your intended outcomes fit in with this broad one: "That Individuals, particularly those that suffer inequality and disadvantage, have greater choice, control and empowerment over their own lives in relation to social care, health, housing, education, employment and business advice."? Please re-state the outcomes in your own words..


11) For each of these outcomes please state what the outputs of the project will be:

Outcome 1 Output 1 relating to this outcome...... Output 2 relating to this outcome...... Output 3 relating to this outcome...... Notes
Outcome 2 Output 1 relating to this outcome...... Output 2 relating to this outcome...... Output 3 relating to this outcome......  
Outcome 3 Output 1 relating to this outcome...... Output 2 relating to this outcome...... Output 3 relating to this outcome......  


12) What will be the monitoring & evaluation process in relation to these outputs?


13) Now write a clear explanation of the stages of the project. Identify start date and activities being undertaken in each quarter of the year. Indicate total hours.


14) Create a job description for any staff employed


15) Create a person specification in relation to this job description


16) Review http://applicationform.pbworks.com , http://freelend.pbworks.com/Funding-Possibilities & draw up a shortlist of the trust funds to whom you are applying in the following table:

Trust Fund How soon might they make a decision on funding (eg dates of funding application review meetings?) How much are you asking for Wto believe  that this will be the kind of amount/thing they want to  fund Date (& content) of first phone conversation with funder Review of whether they are (comparatively) worthwhile progressing with. Date of application sent Result


The end

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