
The Sutton Trust

Page history last edited by Paul Crosland 14 years, 11 months ago
111 Upper Richmond Road
SW15 2TJ


The Trust Administrator

Phone: 020 8788 3223
Fax: 020 8788 3993
Web: http://www.suttontrust.com
(Opens in a new window)


Registered Charity Number: 1067197
Last update: 20/08/2009

Grant total

Grant total £ 3,300,000

Areas of work



Sir Peter Lampl; David Backinsell; Glyn Morris.

Beneficial area

UK only.

Information available

Informative annual review, separate annual accounts, good website.

General information


The Sutton Trust was established in 1997 with the aim of providing educational opportunities for children and young people from non-privileged backgrounds. It has funded a large number of access projects in early years, school and university settings, and now plans to focus primarily on research and policy work, as well as a small number of innovative pilot initiatives.

The following statement taken from the trust’s 2008 accounts explains the new policy further.

During the course of the year the trustees decided to move away from large scale initiatives and refocus on research and policy work – attempting to prompt wider change in the educational system by looking into an issue, proposing and testing a solution, and advocating evidence based reform. In keeping with this model, the trust will continue to fund small scale demonstration projects which will, as before, span the early years, school and college settings and into higher education and the professions.’

The trust envisages that most of these projects will be developed through existing contacts and partnerships. Please contact the trust for further information.

Grants in 2008

In 2008 the trust had assets of £1.4 million and an income of £4.8 million. Grants totalled £3.3 million and were broken down as follows:

University outreach £1,500,000
School/colleges £1,400,000
Research projects £387,000
Early years learning £63,000
Open access 0

Beneficiaries included: Bristol University Summer School, Oxford Access Scheme, LEAPS, Industrial Trust Schools Project, INTO University, Parents as First Teachers, University of York, Social Mobility Summit and Durham University.


The trust states that it, 'is now focusing on research and policy work, and will only be funding a select handful of small scale pilot projects. We envisage that most of these projects will be developed through existing contacts and partnerships'. As such, unsolicited applications are unlikely to be successful.

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