
Staff Recruitment and Induction Group

Page history last edited by Paul Crosland 14 years, 5 months ago

Project Steering GroupThe Staff Recruitment and Induction Group is one of the Development Groups 


Contents of this Group's Home Page:

Next Meeting - last week of July 2010 (details to follow, or contact us)

Click here to get details of how to join the Networking Group Teleconference.

(If these meeting arrangements do not suit and you want to be involved please use the contact form link here)



  1. Dates for next two meetings
  2. Decisions made at previous meeting - are they a correct record?
  3. Actions outstanding from last meeting. 
  4. Is this page engaging enough /clear enough /fully up to date: Ways-to-connect-with-others-wanting-to-share-more
  5. State of preparation (advertising on GumTree) for three staff: 1) Sales -seed idea sowing; 2) Fundraising; 3) Website front end (html/CSS & an interest in/experience of Ruby on Rails).
  6. http://www.peopleperhour.com/
  7. Matters referred on by Networking Group, Marketing Group, Website Development Group, Community Conflict Transformation Group, Staff Recruitment and Induction Group or Fundraising Group
  8. Matters referred on by the Project Steering Group
  9. Other draft job descriptions


Advance notification of date of the meeting beyond next:



Outstanding Actions

From [date of last meeting]:

  • PC: To [action] DONE


Additional Agenda Items for a meeting beyond the next:

  • What is the optimum size for the five development groups -and how to facilitate the split into smaller groups?
  • Training in Ruby on Rails.


Decisions Made

Postpone appointment of a Market Research Database manager


Wiki Pages for which this development group is solely responsible:

Working with freeconomy members 

Requests for assistance

Paul and Edmund- pbwiki editing tips

Pages for which this development group is jointly responsible:

Wiki pages


text on freelender.org Web Pages



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