This page is being overseen by the Networking Group
This page is due for Autumn 2010 overhaul to sort it into all the categories of sorting out how we use stuff and skills so that we obtain:
- maximum sharing (and/or maximum value) from manufactured stuff and the skills we've learned
- minimum ecological harm from production, use or from decisions that things are no longer of use:
The categories to restructure the links page are proposed to be:
- Sharing resources/skills sites known: outside UK, across UK, within a local area of UK (Ranked in approximate order of number of known users)
- 'Freecycling' type sites (Note that Court rulings have been that the word 'freecycle' could be used generically, rather than being exclusive to The Freecycle Network.)
- Alternative money type sites (and examples of how communities work pragmatically with resource decisions)
- Recycling etc (not intending to cover this topic extensively)
- articles about the zeitgeist which have a place beyond the News Stories -Background
Freelender on the web
Swapshop video recording extracted from Paul Crosland's You Tube account
Forum for the Future - January 2010
Open Collective blog - October 2009
Great Turning Times - August 2009 (see item 17 in the newsletter)
Freeconomy blog ( - July 2009
News Stories
Related websites
Resource sharing websites
Note: Some websites appear in more than one category.
Lending / Borrowing
LetsAllShare: Sharing / renting / freecycling site with feedback ratings for users" (SOURCE) "The Loanables community brings together people who have worthwhile items to loan out and people who want to borrow them." A US-only site (searching is on zip code), with most items in Austin, Texas. Renting for money is allowed, in fact it is encouraged, and this is the focus of their marketing. However, don't take a commission. (the freeconomy): Toolshare. Also has Skillshare, Spaceshare and Landshare.
LetsAllShare - Sharing / renting / freecycling site with feedback ratings for users" (SOURCE) - sophisticated online rental marketplace.
Zilok UK - many things, including pets
Handbag hire HQ - just designer handbags renting as w
Swapping Book swapping in the UK."314,782 books available" as at 31/01/09 Book swapping. the original clothes-swapping, or "swishing", site. Also does buying and selling.
Big Wardrobe: a clothes-swapping site that recently launched a national swapping "road show".
Seedy People: seed-swapping site for gardeners and allotment owners. Has no seeds as at 31/01/09.
Swap Shop via (London's gumtree swap shop here)
Giving / Receiving / Freecycling
Freecycle helps people be generous with what they are getting rid of by finding someone to pick it up.
Freegle: a new breakaway set of groups from ex-Freecycle UK moderators
GreenGonzo: freecycling
MySkip: a celeb-backed swapping site with photos (domain closed as at 31/01/09), MySkip blog still exists.
vSkips: a healthy reuse site with a simple design and over 25,000 "virtual skips"
Gumtree: popular for giveaways and classified sales. Fairly London-centric but very busy At 2recycle there are no groups to join and no moderators, everyone gets to see newly listed items at the same time and users are not bombarded with unwanted email; it simply does what it says on the tin. Also has a lot of green lifestyle info.
Don't Dump That: forum-based reuse site along the lines of Freecycle Preloved is a classified advertising website were you can sell stuff for free.
They have also recently introduced a 'Freeloved' section which lists giveaways in your local area: - try freeshare in glasgow (if you live here)
FREEUSE, run by N.W.Leics. District Council. - Bristol-centric site which includes a Free Stuff freecycling section a set of local Yahoo groups who have broken away from Freecycle.
RecycleNow: an official government site that has a postcode service to locate your nearest recycling centre
Services (the freeconomy) - Skillshare, Toolshare, Spaceshare, Landshare and Philosofree
Places to Stay (About CS) (Vision, Mission & Aims)
Be Welcome: Similar to couchsurfing? staying in other people's homes
Advice How to start a business with no money.
Places to look for More Links
Open Collective
Notes in relation to freecycling, other database initiatives:
"Freecycling is a fabulous initiative, a great way to help the environment and get something you need at the same time. However there's an even better way now! Have a look at GreenGonzo, a new website at which provides a searchable database so you can just enter a keyword and find what you need. No more poring over endless yahoogroup mailing lists, no more moderators and no more fuss. There's a computer up for grabs in the North London area. Its a non-profit organisation too, none of its services will cost you a penny.
I reckon this is a better approach to reusing goods and materials, as it is simply far more straightforward. Frecycle is, nevertheless a really great idea, time to take it into the twenty-first century though!" (review from
Also recommended (but not yet checked)
Intentional Communities to research:
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