  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Funding Possibilities

Page history last edited by Edmund Johnson 14 years, 3 months ago



Trust Funding

Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Settlement

AW Charitable Trust

Capital Community Foundation

Four Acre Trust


Hobson Charity Limited

John Ellerman Foundation

Peter De Haan Charitable Trust

Quartet Community Foundation (formerly the Greater Bristol Foundation)

The Baring Foundation

The Barrow Cadbury Trust and the Barrow Cadbury Fund

The Birmingham Community Foundation

The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

The Gulbenkian Foundation

The Helen Hamlyn Trust

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation

The Kirby Laing Foundation

The Peter Harrison Foundation

The Pilgrim Trust

The Scottish Community Foundation

The South Yorkshire Community Foundation

The Sutton Trust

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation

UnLtd (Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs)

Voluntary Action Fund


Other work on trust funds is being prepared on this site. On that site you will have to request access before you can see our application preparation work.


Possible Revenue Streams:

  • Applying for grants from funding bodies.
  • Having sponsorship on the freelender.org website.
  • Having advertisements on the freelender.org website.
  • Asking for donations on the website or elsewhere.
  • Charging people to use freelender.org, under certain conditions.
  • Charging for running a freelender stall or equivalent at an event (not Buddhafield!).
  • Selling the freelender application (+ consultancy) to a commercial enterprise, such as a tool hire shop, library, etc.
  • Consultancy for external organisations.



What specific activities we might seek funding for:

  • Promoting Freelender through the communications systems amongst the voluntary sector support agencies eg VOSCUR in Bristol
  • Contacting freecycle groups in the UK and promoting freelending
  • Contacting clubs and offering eg 'Age of Stupid' film showing followed by discussion and presentation on ' The freelending route to sharing more, buying less and generating local sustainable communities"
  • Identifying champions and supporting them with leaflets, posters etc
  • Increasing accessibility and take-up e.g. developing the website with freelender buddies (ie people who can register others and with confirmation, handle their accounts)
  • Increasing accessibility through appearance and languages of site.


General Questions asked by Funding Bodies

  1. What is the need you have identified, how did you identify it and how will your project meet it?


Possible Funding Bodies


Date Added Funding Body Next Action
01/10/09 Awards for all  
16/10/09 The 4ip Fund
Part of Channel 4. The 4iP Fund aims to deliver publicly valuable content and services on digital media platforms with significant impact and in sustainable ways.
EJ: Looks very promising!



New Deal of the Mind


This scheme takes its inspiration from New Deal of the Mind ("NDotM"), with whom an alliance would be sought.

The scheme operates as follows:
- Young people who have been unemployed for 6 months or more ("the students") are offered training in a number of skills (see below for examples), which will be of value to them and to society.
- The training will be given by people with relevant experience ("the mentors") who are willing to give their time to the scheme for a living wage, or for free if that is their choice.
- As part of the training, the students will be encouraged to give their time to helping organisations which are in the sharing sector of the economy.  Organisations which may choose to participate include Freelender, Freeconomy, Freegle and LAS.  One key area the students could help in is website development.  However, their help would not be restricted to that area.

Examples of IT skills in which training could be given:
- website development in PHP, Java, and Microsoft .NET
- website design using HTML, CSS and Photoshop
- internet development of Facebook, iPhone and Android applications
- other internet skills such as Accessibility, User Experience Design and Search Engine Optimisation.

Examples of non-IT skills in which training could be given:
- marketing
- fund-raising
- conflict resolution
- facilitation
- "heart and soul" skills (ideas welcome)

It is possible that training and other help could be given or facilitated by NDotM, who already organise training courses for many people.

Benefits of the scheme:
- Long-term unemployed people are given employment, skills, hope and a sense of fulfillment.
- Society benefits from the newly acquired skills and productivity of the students.
- The sharing sector of the economy is developed, providing benefits to people and the environment.
- Mentors are given employment, and a sense of fulfilment.

Issues to be addressed for a funding bid:
- Given a certain level of funding, how many internships could be created? An internship might typically be a 6-month placement for one student working with one or more organisations.
- For each internship, what would the student learn, what would they be working on and what would they achieve.
- Where would training and work take place.
- Economies of scale - several people being trained at once and/or working together.
- Identifying possible mentors and getting their commitment to work on the scheme.
- The method by which students would be identified and selected.
- The cost and means by which equipment and resources would be procured.

It is possible that "pre-funding" might be necessary for a feasibility study to determine the detailed answers to all these questions.



Awards For All Application


Application documentation:




Steps to application:

  1. Change bank account so that both signatures required for each cheque
  2. Establish who our referee will be (see the list below):
  3. Applying under both headings?  :Stronger communities & Healthier and more active

    people and communities? (see the list below for details):

  4. Clarify how "as wide a group as possible will benefit" eg developing the paper based version



-For example:

  • Member of Parliament
  • local councillor
  • Justice of the Peace
  • solicitor
  • senior bank official
  • chartered accountant
  • local authority officer, civil servant or other public sector employee
  • voluntary sector development agency officer
  • healthcare professional*
  • school teacher*
  • social worker*
  • youth worker*
  • police officer*.

Your referee must not be:

  • someone who will directly benefit if you get a grant, or related to anyone who will benefit
  • a current member of your organisation, a trustee, a member of your organisation’s staff, or related to someone in one of these positions
  • formerly (that is, in the last two years) in one of these positions.

If you are not sure whether your referee is suitable, please contact us to check before you apply.


Stronger communities

  • Bringing different communities together to tackle common issues.
  • Holding an event that encourages your community to work together.
  • Bringing young and old members of your community together.
  • Increasing recycling, or helping your community to be greener.

Healthier and more active people and communities

  • Developing self-help and peer support groups.


How to make sure as wide a group as possible benefit

  • Tell us how many people your project will reach and explain the different ways they will get involved or benefit from it.
  • Tell us how your project will help improve your local community and the lives of people most in need.
  • Explain what you will do to make sure that people from different backgrounds know about your project and how to benefit from it.
  • If you have identified any groups who could benefit but are less likely to take part, explain why this is the case and what you will do to tackle it.
  • If your project will involve the wider community tell us how.
  • If you plan to promote or publicise your project, explain how you will do this.
  • If you plan to restrict who can take part in your project you should explain why, so that we can consider if this is acceptable.


Steps necessary beyond application (pre-grant)

-Change bank account so that both signatures required for each cheque




Template for adding funding bodies -charity name (linked)


Application documentation:

(web address)

Steps to application:


Steps necessary beyond application (pre-grant)



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