
Development Groups

Page history last edited by Paul Crosland 15 years, 4 months ago

The current list of development groups is as follows.


  1. Networking and Campaigning group
  2. Marketing Group
  3. Website Development Group
  4. Community Conflict Transformation Group
  5. Staff Recruitment and Induction Group
  6. Fundraising Group


To start another development group see our notes on How we work together


Template for starting a Development Group

The [x] Group  is one of the Development Groups 


Contents of this Group's Home Page:

[Insert Plug In -Table of Contents:]


Next Meeting [Day] [Date] [Time]

Agenda for next meeting:


(If these meeting arrangements do not suit and you want to be involved please use contact form link here)

-Agenda items include:

  1. Dates for next two meetings
  2. Decisions made at previous meeting - are they a correct record?
  3. Actions outstanding from last meeting. 
  4. Matters referred on by Networking Group, Marketing Group, Website Development Group, Community Conflict Transformation Group, Staff Recruitment and Induction Group or Fundraising Group
  5. Matters referred on by the Project Steering Group


Outstanding Actions

From [date of last meeting]:

  • PC: To update the FrontPage with the next meeting date DONE
  • [action 2]


Additional Agenda Items for a meeting beyond the next:


Decisions Made



  • [Decision 1]

  • [Decision 2] 


Wiki Pages for which this development group is solely responsible:

 [called xyz]

Pages for which this development group is jointly responsible:

Wiki pages

(Firstly -keeping the line of  FrontPage up to date in relation to the next meeting)

 [called xyz] (responsibility shared with x group)

text on freelender.org Web Pages (responsiblility shared with Website Development Group)

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