The current list of development groups is as follows.
- Networking and Campaigning group
- Marketing Group
- Website Development Group
- Community Conflict Transformation Group
- Staff Recruitment and Induction Group
- Fundraising Group
To start another development group see our notes on How we work together
Template for starting a Development Group
The [x] Group is one of the Development Groups
Contents of this Group's Home Page:
[Insert Plug In -Table of Contents:]
Next Meeting [Day] [Date] [Time]
Agenda for next meeting:
(If these meeting arrangements do not suit and you want to be involved please use contact form link here)
-Agenda items include:
- Dates for next two meetings
- Decisions made at previous meeting - are they a correct record?
- Actions outstanding from last meeting.
- Matters referred on by Networking Group, Marketing Group, Website Development Group, Community Conflict Transformation Group, Staff Recruitment and Induction Group or Fundraising Group
- Matters referred on by the Project Steering Group
Outstanding Actions
From [date of last meeting]:
- PC: To update the FrontPage with the next meeting date DONE
- [action 2]
Additional Agenda Items for a meeting beyond the next:
Decisions Made
[Decision 1]
[Decision 2]
Wiki Pages for which this development group is solely responsible:
[called xyz]
Pages for which this development group is jointly responsible:
Wiki pages
(Firstly -keeping the line of FrontPage up to date in relation to the next meeting)
[called xyz] (responsibility shared with x group)
text on Web Pages (responsiblility shared with Website Development Group)
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