cultural change

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Transition -for an introduction to transition visit or great turning times


"The way in which I like to get a picture of transition is by putting the concept of a sustainable society in the middle and then drawing lines out from there which each carry one thread of the transition needed.

Moving towards the centre (ie the sustainable society) there might for example be 4 transition steps (or waves, as they are not necessarily sequential):

  1. The 1st Wave will most probably be something that has gone from fringe activity to mainstream already eg recycling (with freecycling as wave 1b; an extension of the same principle of doing something other than putting something you have no more use for into the bin).
  2. The 2nd Wave will be something that comes next in terms of moving the behaviour closer towards sustainability. (In this case the behaviour is behaviour in relation to the concept of custodianship, and my view is that freelending is the thing that moves us inreonsidering the responsibilities of ownership / benefits of sharing for the sake of all.)
  3. The 3rd Wave might be something that is even harder culturally to achieve and that moves the framework of how we see our relationship to the Earth one stage closer towards sustainability. In relation to 'ownership/custodianship' issues, here I see th move to fractional ownership as key. People may still be buying cars; the cultural shift is one of working with others to more rationally pool the number of cars, lawn-mowers or washing machines owned in a street or area.
  4. The 4th Wave then looks like a local production (or purchase) only of what is sustainable, with probably less transportation distance involved in the life of the community and perhaps no privately owned cars, only emergency vehicles available to the community for those occasions where emissions-concerns and using up finite resources are outweighed by other factors.

Whilst I've indicated what the four waves look like that began with people going out of their way to not throw their rubbish away in the easiest way and that leads to a fuller sense of custodianship, I wonder what aspect of sustainability is of most interest to you and what the four (or so) waves would look like that bring us there Please edit this page and add in your comments below so that we can (to take structure from Chris Johnstone:

(Paul Crosland)


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These days, many people are recycling and freecycling, passing on what they no longer have a use for.  The next phase in building more sustainable communities will involve more borrowing and lending.  By doing this, we can increase our wealth without having to increase our use of resources.


We all know the benefits of borrowing or lending:

- building and deepening our relationships with friends, families, neighbours and those with whom we share interests

- financial savings

- the benefits to the planet of reducing our consumption.


With the 'credit crunch' and all that's going on in the world, doesn't lending & borrowing make more sense now than ever before?

Can you remember a time that you have borrowed or lent something and enjoyed what came of it! If so please share your experience on the freelenders blog (or here)