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Prior to Buddhafield 09 festival some draft questionnaire's were completed:
First Questionnaire typed up by respondent
1) What's the weather like today where you are? Rainy
2) Have you been asked by one of the freelender team to come up with an example of something that you've bought that you don't use every day?
Er, no, (why?)
3) When I say that my interest is in ensuring that you get more of the stuff you really want with less money spent, and in ensuring a sustainable future for humanity, what comes up for you?
Run that by me again? Er… I’m interested in that.
4) So going back to the […food.....] that you bought, how much more cheaply than the price you paid could you have obtained this? Eg at half the cost?
Yes, I could make it myself for a third of the price
5) What would it have been like for you to obtain this for free?
Good… though what would that involve? Anything truly worthy is never free, we give something for it. It depends upon what. What agreement is made.
6) If someone had made it easy for you to have bought this item with others what do you imagine it would be like to share it?
Good, probably more enjoyable, provided everyone was in agreement
7) Can you see any other possible benefits for making shared purchases?
Opportunities for conversations, support, all sorts..
8) For what kinds of things do you think shared ownership makes the best sense?
Housing, food production & purchase, useful tools/machinery that would otherwise be expensive
9) In the last 6 months approximately how many DVDs have you rented?
10) In the last 6 months approximately how many DVDs have you borrowed?
none [Note from Paul who administered this questionnaire -the respondent had actually borowed a DVD from me less than 3 months ago; this had clearly slipped her mind]
11) & how many have you lent?
None (I don’t watch tv any more, I can no longer afford the licence!). I recently watched one that I was sent in the post (for free), giving information about Penny Brohn Cancer Care centre in Bristol, & was very grateful for it.
12) Approximately how many books borrowed?
13) -and lent?
14) Have you lent or borrowed any music? If so, how did you do this?
15) Do you lend tools?
16) Who gives their skills to you for free?
Friends on occasions. Mortgage advice from an advisor in a high street estate agency (once per yr).
17) Have you tried getting a free skill from the freeconomy website?
18) How many members would you guess there are on this website called no idea. What is this?
- No problem, last Saturday there were 9656 members sharing 238,738 skills, 43,860 tools and 162 spaces, with about 600 members within a couple of miles from me. And membership is growing, though not fast enough considering the state of the economy and the environment, in my (humble)opinion.
19) Do you have any ideas what you'd be up for doing to promote what do you mean by this question?
And do you have any ways that you'd recommend for us to promote the web address promote the financial and self empowerment benefits for people
What do you think of the name er, well, ok, what is it?
How do people tend to find out that you've got stuff they want to borrow? Word of mouth
Is there any (other) way that you use to actively find people to lend your stuff to? no
24) Prior to the last 6 months, how would you summarise the negative experience of lending that you've had? Haven’t had one for so long… guess I don’t lend out enough or I’m too careful!
25) And since then, you've carried on lending? Has anything changed in the way you lend it? I consider carefully the people I offer my things to – those likely to respect my things, respect me and respect our agreement – ie return it complete and on time.
26) Do you think that you could be more responsible with the things you lend out, so that you get out of the loaning at least as much as you predicted you'd get back. Yes.
27) In what ways then, could you become a more responsible lender? I think I could lend out more, as I would like to give more to / support my friends, although maybe I don’t have enough of the things they want to borrow! Making sure the agreement is clear and everyone involved is happy with it.
28) Do you think that you could be more responsible with the things you borrow, so that the people you borrowed from get out of the loaning what they wanted back, or even get other benefits as well from having loaned to you? Yes
29) In what ways then, could you become a more responsible borrower?
Take time to strike up conversations (perhaps in relation to the thing loaned). Offer in return, eg reciprocate by offering to loan them something appropriate, and/or give feedback or suitable suggestions in relation to the loan, or to the subject of conversation.
30) And can you name something that you don't use every day, that you have never loaned to anyone.
If you could really trust them with this for a short while, who would you most like to loan this to? Carol (close and trusted friend)
31) Are there any other ways then in which you could you become a more responsible owner? Er..?
Do you see yourself as engaged in social change? Yes (Transition)
To change the status quo is it necessary to upset some people? Not necessary, however it does happen and can be difficult to avoid (need to clarify definition of ‘upset’)
Who would you most like to upset? No one… though I would like to see people (esp native peoples) listened to
Is there anyone (else) in the world of politics, economy, biosphere custodianship who you have difficulty with and would want to hold to account for their behaviour? Members of governments and associates (worldwide) for the lack of responsibility re the issues we all face re climate change & oil depletion… but that’s unrealistic. I think it begins with every one of us, right here, right now, taking responsibility for our lives
And are you willing to support them whilst holding them to account? I am willing to support myself, my friends, neighbours, family and community members in facing the issues
37) Do you recycle at all? Yes
38) Why? It makes sense to me to use materials again where possible, tho I’m concerned about the energy & resource use in recycling
39) Do you freecycle at all? No
40) Why? Only just heard about it
Were you aware that we're doing freecycling in the tent? Yes, I see the poster
Are you aware that we're co-ordinating lift-sharing and social networking in this tent? yes
Can I ask for the first half of your postcode? ****
Would you be willing to stick a pin in a map where you live? Yes
And what age group would you describe yourself as being in? 40’s
Approximately how far do you cycle each year? I don’t, I walk a lot and use public transpor
Are you a car owner? no
47b) and how old is the car?
47c) What colour is your car?
Do you want to be able to find more people with similar interests in your neighbourhood whenever you want to share your interests? Yes (esp in Transition & permaculture)
Do you use facebook? no
50b) So, are you registered on the 'My neighbors application?' no
Can we now stick that pin in the map and talk more
informally about social networking that connects you ? blimey, how much more? I need something to eat!
Any additional comments? _____________Qns 26-29 and 35 & 36 took time to answer
Time Finished Completion of questionnaire_______40 mins! ___
Same respondent filling in an earlier version of the questionnaire:
A questionnaire needs to be clear enough so that anyone can pick it up and ask the questions to anyone, without stopping to have to work out ‘what some questions mean’/’what they’re getting at here’, etc
Question 1
Can I ask you what the last thing you remember borrowing was?
My neighbour’s laptop computer
Question 2:
Can you choose at least one feeling associated with someone lending this to you?
Happy, cheerful, buoyant, joyful, overjoyed, blissful, ecstatic.
Pleased, appreciative, thankful, grateful, proud, glad, delighted, overwhelmed.
Comfortable, quiet, calm, composed, secure, contented, relaxed, peaceful, confident.
Interested, curious, intrigued, surprised, astonished, fascinated, amazed.
Hopeful, optimistic, enthusiastic, excited, inspired.
Sensitive, friendly, touched, trusting, warm, loving.
Embarrassed, ashamed, flustered, guilty, self-conscious
Anxious, stressed out
Fragile, Vulnerable, Hesitant, Lost
Confused, ambivalent, baffled,] these are the things I felt underneath, and probably stop me feeling comfortable in lending/borrowing more. I see there’s something missing (a communication probably). I need to be clear and comfortable about the conditions for borrowing/lending something before I do it.
Question 3:
Thank you. Are you open to travelling (home) from this festival with someone you haven't yet met? No
Question 4: (Dependent on a yes)
One of the things we're doing in this tent is organising lift-shares, so lets explore that further. say this before asking Qn 3. It could be confronting for the person otherwise, and likely to raise a ‘no’ at first, like I did. Ask Qns 3 and 4 in association with lift-share questionnaire, not here (otherwise it’s confusing)
[Go to separate sheet on lift-share]
Question 5:
Is there anything that you'd like to borrow off someone at the festival or pick up for free? food
Question 6:
Would you like to see people taking care to lend and borrow things more often, rather than buying them? Yes. To gain awareness of what goes on, ie what our efforts go towards. So we can then have a say in what goes on in our communities and even further afield. Also, to enhance social interaction.
Question 7:
Apart from saving money, is there any other reason you have for wanting more borrowing and lending? So I know the person who I’m borrowing from/lending to, so I know where my efforts are going, ie who or what is benefiting from them (and thus I can have a say). Also, for social interaction.
Question 8:
What would it take for you to loan eg some books, DVDs, tools to people you feel comfortable lending to? I would want to know who the people are and what their reasons would be for borrowing, because I would like to know that their use is for true needs. I would want to know that they would take care of my belongings so that others (incl myself) can use them.
Question 9:
Please tell me about a positive experience of lending something to somebody? (For example, why you did it & what you got out of it?)
Question 10:
Are there any other lending or borrowing stories you'd like to share or further contact you'd like to have with people who are also passionate about
generating more generosity in the world? Not sure… not sure what the question is asking
Suggestion: the above could read .. people who are passionate about
having a say in their community / in the world?
this is an assumption that others may want to ‘generate more generosity’. People may not want to be involved because it can occur as handing something out with no certainty of getting it back. And ‘why should I if I can sell it and get some money?’ Or ’I’d rather have my own to use when I want to’ or ‘it’s too much hassle, or ‘stuff gets lost or broken or stolen’… etc.
Suggestion for an empowered view: lending could be presented as ‘a way of strengthening our communities – we get to say how it happens - and it doesn’t cost any money!‘
Question 11:
Do you think that you are any more or less likely to borrow than the average person? More (due to lack of money)
Are you more of a lender or a borrower? borrower
Describe what you might lend in an average month?, or last month (if that makes it easier)?Don’t really need thisone book
Describe what you might borrow in an average month?, or last month (if that makes it easier)? Neighbour’s laptop computer. One book.
Closing question of stage one:
Stage Two
Starts either with recognising someone:
Thank you for your answering questions before. It was very interesting for me to get your replies. ‘Thank you for answering’ is probably enough
You've now reached level two. (What’s that? oh god, is there more)?
So how did you find completion of level one? (level what? ..may be too many qns. Most people just want to get it over and done with and move on!
Paul Baker said
at 4:15 pm on Jul 6, 2009
some fairly unstructured thoughts from Paul B
What about just giving to or receiving from? How conditional is it normally, what reciprocation is expected? How does this compare with lending and borrowing.
Normally both are conditional.
Do you lend / borrow as much (more, less) as you want to? Good qn
How stressful do you find it? An assumption – so maybe ask,Do you find it stressful?
How much fun do you have doing it? Yes, fun is really important!
As a society do we share (lend and borrow) as much as we should? Or as much as you would like us to? If not, why?Yes, maybe a useful qn
You are working A I D A (attention, interest, desire, action). All you need to do is to create connection with them. All the rationale behind the questions are just in service of connection.
Lift share
Are your transport arrangements perfect and unchangeable or do you have some room for change? Eg giving someone else a lift? Accepting some company on your journey by public transport?
Are you prepared to help us with lift share?
How much sympathy with lift share do you have? Good qn
Blank version of same questionnaire as above (with some of the rationale for questions added)
Question 1
Can I ask you what the last thing you remember borrowing was?
[Some of the Rationale behind this opening question.
The “Can I ask you” formula is an opportunity for jokers to feel good about themselves by saying “Yes you can” or “No you can't” to which the joking along reply is “Well I already have”. Play with whatever banter emerges and keep feeding your interlocutor with lines to which they can make funny replies, whilst steering them towards the topics you want to discuss.
Remember -this part of the question saves time as it allows for them to be less accurate and just go with whatever memory is there, rather than demand the exactitude of “the last thing borrowed”. If they get hung up on exactitude, help them find any memory eg with supplementary questions eg anytime in the last month or two perhaps; something borrowed from a friend, a neighbour or a family member?
Borrowing -by asking about borrowing first one is likely to generate feelings of gratitude in the interlocutor, which is a great 'feel good factor'. Of course, if they go into 'guilt' in relation to how they treated the borrowing with less respect than they would have liked, help make this easier for them....]
Question 2:
Can you choose at least one feeling associated with someone lending this to you?
[Hand them the clipboard with eg the following list on and ask them to read the ones that apply, then write them down.
Happy, cheerful, buoyant, joyful, overjoyed, blissful, ecstatic.
Pleased, appreciative, thankful, grateful, proud, glad, delighted, overwhelmed.
Comfortable, quiet, calm, composed, secure, contented, relaxed, peaceful, confident.
Interested, curious, intrigued, surprised, astonished, fascinated, amazed.
Hopeful, optimistic, enthusiastic, excited, inspired.
Sensitive, friendly, touched, trusting, warm, loving.
[This list requires more thought about order and comprehensiveness: here is where I would value some refinement in particular. I was going to put some words on it about
or possibly:
Embarrassed, ashamed, flustered, guilty, self-conscious
Anxious, stressed out
Fragile, Vulnerable, Hesitant, Lost
Confused, ambivalent, baffled,]
[Some of the Rationale behind question 2.
By handing a clipboard to them, you are drawing them in/ making it harder for them to leave without then having to do one more task and or state one more sentence before leaving).
Question 3:
Thank you. Are you open to travelling (home) from this festival with someone you haven't yet met?
Question 4: (Dependent on a yes)
One of the things we're doing in this tent is organising lift-shares, so lets explore that further.
[Go to separate sheet on lift-share]
[Some of the Rationale behind question 3. The question is a bit playful/saucy, particularly if the word 'home' is used.
Can I ask you your religion, age and anything else that particularly sets you apart, as people reading the survey results on will want to know how representative the survey was, so in short, how representative are you?
Question 5:
Is there anything that you'd like to borrow off someone at the festival or pick up for free?
Question 6:
Would you like to see people taking care to lend and borrow things more often, rather than buying then?
Question 7:
Apart from saving money, is there any other reason you have for wanting more borrowing and lending?
Question 8:
What would it take for you to loan eg some books, DVDs, tools to people you feel comfortable lending to?
Question 9:
Please tell me about a positive experience of lending something to somebody? (For example, why did it & what you got out of it?
Question 10:
Are there any other lending or borrowing stories you'd like to share or further contact you'd like to have with people who are also passionate about
generating more generosity in the world?
Question 11:
Do you think that you are any more or less likely to borrow than the average person?
Are you more of a lender or a borrower?
Describe what you might lend in an average month?, or last month (if that makes it easier)?
Describe what you might borrow in an average month?, or last month (if that makes it easier)?
[Some of the Rationale behind this rambling question: We want some humour here and some space for a range of answers about representativeness as we don't quite know what we are looking for. By being this vague we might pick up on themes as to what 'representative looks like i.e. what makes people think they are any more or less likely to borrow than the average person.
{Doubt about this question: I've got some concern about asking too much. It might end up on a list for those who come back to the tent and respond to being asked the opening question with “I've already been answered your survey”}
Closing question of stage one:
Stage Two
Starts either with recognising someone:
Thank you for your answering questions before. It was very interesting for me to get your replies.
You've now reached level two.
So how did you find completion of level one?
Separate Sheet on Lift Share
Comments (1)
Paul Baker said
at 4:15 pm on Jul 6, 2009
some fairly unstructured thoughts from Paul B
What about just giving to or receiving from? How conditional is it normally, what reciprocation is expected? How does this compare with lending and borrowing.
Normally both are conditional.
Do you lend / borrow as much (more, less) as you want to?
How stressful do you find it?
How much fun do you have doing it?
As a society do we share (lend and borrow) as much as we should – you would like us to?
You are working A I D A (attention, interest, desire, action). All you need to do is to create connection with them. All the rationale behind the questions are just in service of connection.
Lift share
Are your transport arrangements perfect and unchangeable or do you have some room for change?
Are you prepared to help us with lift share?
How much sympathy with lift share do you have?
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